It's Good to Feel Good

Seeing this article in Artful Living Magazine FEELS really GOOD.

I spent many days/weeks/years not feeling good. There was a period in my life where I would go to bed and pray to not wake up. I was plagued with addictions, shame, and insecurity. The life of the party was dying on the inside.

Then one day I woke up sick of feeling bad. I found my way to therapy and sober recovery and life slowly got better. Better became great. But something was missing - I would be happy one day and the next I was cranky, resentful, fearful and ungrateful. Feeling good didn't feel sustainable. Then my friend told me about Louise Hay, which led to Marianne Williamson to Dr. Wayne W. Dyer to Gabby Bernstein. I found the solutions I was seeking in the form of self-help.

I learned tools for coping with anxiety and stress, exercises to let go of the past, practices to stay present and not project future failures. I learned tools to shift my energy, clear my energy, raise my energy and tap into feeling good. The access to feeling good felt limitless as long as I was willing. I blogged about it in a very real and transparent way on I became very passionate about self-help.

After a few years my life's path took a very interesting turn - In 2015 I moved to Minnesota from NYC. The lifestyle here allowed me more free time, so I dove into my bathtub and kept meditating. My energy shifted and I was open to what the Universe had in store for me. Very organically I started getting asked to give motivational speeches on self-care, stress and anxiety. People wanted to tap into the knowledge I have - which is really just years of practicing tools.

This led to me designing workshops and small group coaching sessions to empower individuals and businesses to grow and prosper through self-reflective work. I break down meditation and mindfulness tools into easily approachable ways for people to try them out. I remove barriers to entry like “I don’t have time” or “it’s hard”. Most tools take 30 seconds to 3 minutes to tap into feeling good. My purpose is to help people clean up parts of their lives that keep them from feeling good. It's good to feel good and we all deserve that. Check out the article!

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