3 Minute Meditation: Set your day up for Success!

Here’s my first video blog for theworldofdoug! I take you through a 3 minute meditation I do every morning that completely changes my mood and sets my day up for success.  It a visualization and intention setting meditation where you bless your day and send love and positive energy to the people and things you will be encountering that day!  It’s quick, it’s easy and it really prepares my day, so I can show up grounded, relaxed and confident to anything I do.  It’s almost like scripting your day before you go out into the world.  Click here to see the video on YOUTUBE!

I learned this meditation from a video that Christie Marie Sheldon did for Mindvalley Academy (See original video that inspired me). I found it at a time when I was in a total rut.  I had just moved from New York to Minneapolis, Minnesota.  I didn’t know a lot of people, I didn’t have much structure in my day because I work for myself and my motivation was at an all time low.  I started searching meditations on youtube to bring my energy up - I was in a low level place and I was stuck.  I found Christie Marie, watched the 13 minute tutorial and I started doing it, daily.  By doing this every day for about 4 months, I have become more motivated, more driven, calmer, happier and if some chaotic situation arises during the day (as they always do), I can take a step back and dig into these tools that Christie gave me to reshift my focus.  I love this meditation so much, that I wanted to make a video to show you how I do it each day!

I made this video for my husband because he had a huge speaking engagement in CA last week and I wanted him to try it before he went on stage. This video started out as a tutorial for him, because I wanted him to test it out and report back to me if he thought it worked. He can be a bit of a skeptic, but he actually did it and he said he showed up to a room full of people feeling relaxed and grounded and that his presentation went better than he could have imagined. He said it 100% worked! So I decided to turn this into my first video blog – it can work in any situation (job interview, first date, handling a difficult work situation, negotiating salary or just wanting to show up to your day happy, relaxed and grounded). I hope you try it and report back to me how it worked for you!