New Year, New Energy - February 6th @ lululemon Experiential Store


I’m teaching my next workshop at @lululemon Mall of America on Feb 6 @ 6:30pm called NEW YEAR, NEW ENERGY! 👯‍♀️. Get tix HERE!


It’s the New Year and marketing campaigns would have us believe that “you” have to change everything to achieve the “New You”, as if who you were on New Year’s Eve wasn’t enough. Resolutions, goals, goal weights, start doing this, stop doing that are traps that can keep you stuck if you don’t have simple tools to get where you want to go. I believe you only have to change one thing to have everything you want: Your Energy. And I’m committed to helping you do that.

Click on image for details!

Click on image for details!


NEW YEAR, NEW ENERGY is light-hearted and fun 90-minute workshop - I will share tools and practices that guide you to shift your energy to a higher vibration through quick meditations, breathing exercises and physical movement. When we tune our energy to more positive frequencies we can feel good, be more present and attract more of what we want. This is not a work out, but we will be moving and having fun so wear something you can dance or move in. Any of the tools take 3 minutes or less, are easy for beginners and will be fun for previously enlightened beings! Bring a notebook and something to write with!

In this workshop we will:

1. Explore Energy.

Learn more about personal energy fields and how to cultivate energy that serves you.

Clear negative or unwanted energy and replace with positive energy.

Protect your energy from people/places and things that want to drain it!

2. Intention setting and visualization to manifest more of what you want.

If you have a goal or desire for 2020 we will look at what it would take to get there for you.

Identify where to begin and how to break it down into a journey.

Feel good along the way to what you are manifesting.

3. Movement to feel connected, have more fun and be more you. Movement creates energy which creates a mindset shift and Doug will give ideas and inspiration on how you might do it. Then, we will move and have fun.

🔅🔆✔️✔️✔️When you clean up your energy, you can make feeling good a priority, which can help you be more present and attract more of what you want each day. These subtle shifts help you experience the world in a new way and the way you show up has more impact. This is not a “New Year, New You” gimmic — it’s the same amazing you with high vibe energy!

Event tickets are $25 + booking fees click here.