PLEASE READ: Kids washing cars to raise money to buy a bench for the classmate they lost.
Rod Stewart found love in an elevator.
I found heart in a car wash.
Driving through Sag Harbor on Saturday, I saw young kids in swim-suit-ish outfits on the street with marker-made “Car Wash” signs. No way. Do these really exist outside of the movie Bring it On or cheesy music videos from the 80’s where the girl acts surprised when her white top gets sprayed while shining a hubcap.
I asked how much. I mean… Who knows the going rate for the rare hand wash anyway. “By donation”. Okay, cool. They are probably trying to buy art supplies. Or an iPad.
I pulled up and let the middle school kids from Pierson get to work. It took 4 kids and one mom to clean the car. And they did a great job; while having fun!
I asked where I could pay. By the bake sale table I found a modest box covered in wrapping paper with a newspaper clipping attached. I put some money in and asked what they were raising money for. Turns out the intentions for the money from the car wash were going toward love. “We’re trying to buy a bench to dedicate to our friend Katy.” She pointed to the newspaper clipping. It was an obituary. For Katy Stuart. 12 years old. A mother came up and explained the kids lost their classmate last year and they want to get a bench in her memory so they are raising money by washing cars.
It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was one of the most simple and beautiful things I’ve seen in a long time. Heart. Love. Dedication. Honesty. Humanity. Just a bunch of kids and parents doing hard work to raise money to keep the memory of their classmate near. No words can explain.
A bench is $570. I hope they can get a tree too. Send my car washing friends at Pierson Middle School some money. It will make you happy. It made me happy.
To the kids of Pierson class of 2016, you are setting the world on fire one car wash at a time! And while you washed my car, you cleaned my heart!
Keep tweeting your way into the future! You guys are the best!
@cameronb928 @fallonob @brookebrittt @CourtneyGKin
@cassiespencerxo @DeniseGarciaT @LittleBits87