My reasoning for carrying a Louis Vuitton Purse.
Many years ago, when I still worked at JP Morgan, I thought I knew a lot about fashion - but I really didn’t. I used to go to Canal Street and pick up Louis Vuitton bags; Maurakami and all. I couldn’t tell the difference from a real or a fake, so how would you? I was so convinced of my luxe faux appearance that I would throw my weight around with those bags. A man stopped me on the street and asked me how I got a bag for which everyone else was on the wait list. Simple; “I’m friends with one of the designers in the showroom.” LIAR. Was there even a showroom? Did I even know anyone who worked at LV? And was this guy like, “I feel sorry for you,” in his mind?
As I grew into my fashion blueprint, I sold the fakes on Craigslist for a small fortune of $140. It was time to start getting real. Or less fake.
Real bags started appearing in front of me: The LV top handle brief case I found at Ina Mens for $450. The Gucci Clutch I found at Tokyo 7 for like $65. The Balenciaga one-strap my fiance gave me on our first Christmas together (a sure sign to make that relationship last). And the brown LV Damier messenger my former boss so freely handed down to me as a Christmas Bonus (I know, right).
Though, there is one I still wanted. The signature bag held in high regard by any good JAP from Long Island or Shiksa from Connecticut or Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. The LV Speedy. Could I, perhaps, turn this into a man bag? Or a gay douche bag?
In a bidding war on a Saturday night on ebay, I stepped into the ring and came out one LV Speedy 35 heavier. Yes, I cut my evening plans short to get home and actively bid. Also, after much research, I knew the 35 was my size. 30 too small, 40 big enough to be an overnight bag when trolling in the bars for a trick. Clearly not for me.
Randomly, she arrived from Japan in 1.5 days and I activated my right to use her immediately.
What I’ve come to find: The above mentioned girls are the ones who notice it, compliment it and celebrate it. I’m in the club. And I’m also targeting a different demographic. 13 year old girls. When I pass them by, I see them look at my bag. It’s not a look of judgement. It’s a look of appreciation that says, “I want to be like him her one day.”
So I wake up every morning and say, “Who am I to not carry a Speedy 35?”